Exodus 28-31
Jesus, our High Priest, bears our burdens and grants us access to God. Like Aaron, He represents us before the Father. Praise Him for His holiness and grace!
Thoughtful and gospel-centered insights from our pastor as we journey through the Bible together, day by day.
Jesus, our High Priest, bears our burdens and grants us access to God. Like Aaron, He represents us before the Father. Praise Him for His holiness and grace!
Money isn’t evil, but loving it is. Giving to God shows He’s our true treasure. Worship through generosity deepens faith and guards against idolatry.
God calls His people to holiness. Like Israel, we learn to live in community, reflecting His love and care. Worship Him, love others, and walk in His ways.
Community strengthens faith. Like Moses and Israel, godly relationships lead to worship, accountability, and growth. Love God, love people, live holy.
Faith is a battle, but God fights for His people. Trust Him, obey, and stand firm—He is our defender, leading us to victory and true worship.
God’s presence brings peace in the storm. Like the Passover, Christ’s blood sets His people free. Trust Him, walk in faith, and share His story of salvation.
When idols fail, only Christ remains. Like Pharaoh, resisting God brings suffering—but His power, love, and faithfulness call us to true worship and repentance.
Pharaoh refused Israel’s request to worship Yahweh, making their work harder. But God promised not just a festival—He would grant them full freedom.
God’s sovereignty is evident in Exodus 1-3, as He raises Moses to deliver His people. Yahweh, the great I Am, works through all things to fulfill His purposes.
Jacob’s early days had been selfish, but in his latter years he navigated life differently because he listened to Yahweh, the promise maker and promise keeper.
Jacob had no idea how God was weaving his story. All he knew was the emotional toll and the weight of the moment. From his perspective, there was little hope.
Interpretations belong to God (Gen 40:8). Joseph’s faith, wisdom, and patience point to God’s sovereignty, even in suffering. We can trust His plan.
Jealousy and distrust in God’s plan lead to brokenness. Learn from Joseph’s faith and Judah’s failures to trust God with the details.
Religion offers rhythm, but only a relationship with God gives true life. Learn from Jacob’s journey of faith, healing, and God’s grace.
Jealousy and doubt divide families, but trust in God brings peace. Learn from Jacob’s journey to seek restoration and contentment in God’s blessings.
Fear overrides faith, leading to brokenness, as seen in Jacob’s story. Trust Jesus to conquer fear, bring peace, and guide you with wisdom.
Abraham trusted Yahweh in grief and faith, securing land in Canaan and a wife for Isaac. Live faithfully in the world while staying loyal to Christ.
Abraham learned to trust God’s sovereignty and faithfulness, even in trials. Live by faith, not fear, trusting God who protects and provides.
God keeps His promises in His perfect timing. Learn from Abraham’s faith, Sarah’s laughter, and Yahweh’s compassion as He works for His glory (Genesis 16-19).
God called Abram to trust Him without a track record. Learn from Abram’s journey of faith, failures, and growth as Yahweh proves Himself faithful (Genesis 12-15).
God’s glory shines in diversity! Learn about the Tower of Babel, God’s plan for unity in variety, and His promise of every nation worshiping Him (Revelation 7:9).
Regret burdens us, but God’s grace offers redemption. Learn how Noah’s obedience, worship, and God’s mercy reveal hope amidst judgment and renewal.
Sin promises abundance but, instead, brings a curse on the good things God planned for each person. Praise God for grace and mercy that overcome sin.
God created all things with purpose. Humans, made in His image, are called to steward creation and multiply, reflecting His power and plan (Genesis 1:26-31).
God’s words bring order, create life, and reveal His power and love. From creation to covenant, His voice calls us to know, worship, and serve Him joyfully.
Sermons to help you grow in your knowledge and understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Study aids and resources to help you read, study, and grow.