Genesis 6-9

Thoughtful and gospel-centered insights from our pastor as we journey through the Bible together, day by day.

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One of the heaviest burdens is regret. Looking on what could have been or what should not have happened is an exercise that never goes away and that always produces disappointment. Things could have been better.

When Yahweh saw the depths to which mankind was stooping because sin was becoming widespread on earth, He regretted His placing mankind on earth. He was deeply grieved (6:6). He had intended for humanity to be His stewards and representatives. Instead, they were living for their own pleasures and pursuits. Noah, however, found favor (6:8).

When Yahweh decided to judge sin with a flood, He gave Noah instructions for building an ark so that his family and he could escape the judgment and bring countless creatures with them (6:14-7:5). God’s grace and mercy provided the warning and instruction for avoiding sin’s effects.

When Noah and his family departed from the ark, they built an altar and worshiped (8:20). Where did they find animals for sacrifice? Yahweh had instructed them before the flood to take seven pairs of clean animals onto the ark. He knew what they would need not only to survive but to worship. God made a promise never to flood the earth again, and He blessed Noah and his sons, giving them the same command He had given in the beginning—be fruitful and multiply.

Praise God for His creating you. Praise Him for His grace and mercy that provides the way to salvation and instructs us in the way to worship and abundance. Live to fulfill His desire and design.

David Rose, pastor of Trinity since 2024, is passionate about discipleship and gospel growth. He loves family, ministry, and helping others mature in Christ.

David Rose


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