Upcoming Classes
Frequently asked questions
Contact usHow do I know if I'm a member?
If you’ve publicly professed your faith—whether through baptism or transferring your membership—and completed our new-member class, the church will officially welcome you as a new member and part of the Trinity family in the next quarterly conference. If you’re not sure, feel free to contact the church office, and we’ll be happy to help you figure it out.
Why is this class being introduced?
As Trinity grows, we’re seeing more and more people interested in joining the church—some with no church background, some from other denominations, and all of them new to the Trinity family. This class helps everyone, whether you’re new to church or have been a believer for a while, understand the biblical basis for membership and how we as a church live out our mission to follow Jesus, grow as disciples, and share His love with others.
What topics will be covered?
We’ll dive into three core questions: How’s your walk? (How is your relationship with Jesus?), Where’s your work? (How are you serving?), and Who’s your 1? (Who are you reaching for Christ?). These will help each of us know Jesus more deeply, grow together as a church, and reach those who are far from God. We’ll finish by asking the important question: Is this the family for me?
I’m already a member and serve regularly. How will this benefit me personally?
Even if you’ve been serving faithfully for years, we all have room to grow! This class offers a chance to sharpen what you know, deepen your walk with Jesus, and connect with others in new ways. Think of it like continuing education for your faith—it’s an opportunity to grow as a disciple and build meaningful relationships with fellow church members. You might find that God uses this class to refresh your heart for the mission of making disciples.
Is this mandatory for current members? Will it affect my membership status?
No, current members are not required to attend. However, we encourage you to join in! It’s a great opportunity to see what new members will be learning and to revisit some of the foundations of our faith. While your membership status won’t change, attending the class could deepen your understanding of what it means to be part of the church family.
I’ve been a member for 25+ years. Why should I take this class?
Your experience is invaluable! Not only can you provide wisdom and encouragement to newer members, but you’ll also benefit from a fresh look at what it means to follow Jesus as part of our church family. Plus, your participation sets a powerful example of lifelong learning and growing in Christ. It’s a chance to reconnect with the mission of making disciples and building up the church.
What if I’m unable to attend all four sessions?
No worries! If you can’t make it to all four sessions, you can attend a future offering of the class or arrange a personal session with one of the staff members. We want to make sure everyone has the chance to complete the class in a way that works for them.
Will I lose my membership if I can’t take this class?
Not at all. Your membership won’t be affected if you can’t take the class. What you might miss out on, though, is the chance to grow deeper in your faith, increase your obedience to Christ, and build relationships within the church. We hope you won’t miss this opportunity!
Are there any alternatives if I can’t make Wednesday evenings?
We’re planning to offer the class on both Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights throughout the year, so there should be options that fit your schedule. And since this class is still new, we’re open to finding other ways to accommodate people’s needs. Just let us know if you have any scheduling conflicts!
Are there online options?
Currently, we don’t offer the class online. The real value of the class comes from the relationships you’ll form with others as you learn together. However, as we continue to develop the class, we’re open to exploring alternative options for those who can’t attend in person.
Is childcare provided?
Yes! Since the class will typically be held on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings, childcare will be available through our regular children’s and preschool ministry activities. We want to make it as easy as possible for families to attend!
Will I still be able to volunteer if I don’t take this class?
Absolutely. Your volunteer status won’t change if you’re unable to take the class right away. However, we encourage all volunteers to take the class when they can—it will give you a deeper understanding of what it means to follow Christ and be part of the church on mission together.
What if I can’t take this class due to health or personal reasons?
We understand that life circumstances, like health issues or shift work, may prevent you from attending the class. Our staff is happy to meet with you individually to discuss your situation and find a solution that works for you. We want everyone to feel included, regardless of their circumstances.
I volunteer during the time the class is scheduled. What should I do?
If you’re already volunteering during one of the scheduled class times, just let us know! We’ll work with you to find a solution that accommodates your desire to attend the class while still honoring your commitment to serving.
Will the class be interactive or mostly lecture-based?
The class will include a mix of teaching and interactive discussion. While the content is important, the relationships you’ll form with others through discussion and shared experiences are just as crucial for your growth and connection to the church body.
How often will the class be offered?
We plan to offer Membership Matters multiple times throughout the year, both on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. This way, there will be plenty of opportunities for everyone to attend.
I don’t want to miss my Sunday School class. Are there other options?
We totally understand! Your Sunday School class is like family, and we don’t want you to miss out on that time. Consider asking a few members of your class to join you for Membership Matters so you can learn together. Or, if you prefer, you can attend the class on Wednesday evenings. Either way, you’ll have options that won’t conflict with your Sunday School routine.
The Church
A New Testament church of the Lord Jesus Christ is an autonomous local congregation of baptized believers, associated by covenant in the faith and fellowship of the gospel; observing the two ordinances of Christ, governed by His laws, exercising the gifts, rights, and privileges invested in them by His Word, and seeking to extend the gospel to the ends of the earth. Each congregation operates under the Lordship of Christ through democratic processes. In such a congregation each member is responsible and accountable to Christ as Lord. Its two scriptural offices are that of pastor/elder/overseer and deacon. While both men and women are gifted for service in the church, the office of pastor/elder/overseer is limited to men as qualified by Scripture.
The New Testament speaks also of the church as the Body of Christ which includes all of the redeemed of all the ages, believers from every tribe, and tongue, and people, and nation.
Baptist Faith & Message