Daily Bible Study

Study Aids and Resources Questions to Help You Read, Study and Grow

We want to allow the Word of God to shape us to look more like Jesus by reading, studying, and growing in Bible study.

If you don’t have a current study plan, feel free to start with one of the following.

daily Bible study resources

Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth.

John 17:17

Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth.

How to Study the Bible

Discover the depths of Scripture, where every passage reveals the hope of the Gospel, empowering you to live out your faith with confidence and purpose.

  • Observe the Text

    What are the key words? What is the story line? Who are the major characters involved? What is the dialogue?

  • Interpret the Text

    What does this mean to the original audience? What does this teach me about God? What does this teach me about man? What promises, commands, or instructions are there?

  • Apply the Text

    What does the text call me to do? How should I relate to others? What in my life needs to change? How should I pray?