David Rose
Wartime Walkie Talkie, Not a Servant Intercom
How should we pray? Learn from Luke 11:1-13 how Jesus taught His disciples to pray with intimacy, persistence, and kingdom focus through the Spirit’s help.
Exodus 28-31
Jesus, our High Priest, bears our burdens and grants us access to God. Like Aaron, He represents us before the Father. Praise Him for His holiness and grace!
Exodus 25-27
Money isn’t evil, but loving it is. Giving to God shows He’s our true treasure. Worship through generosity deepens faith and guards against idolatry.
Exodus 21-24
God calls His people to holiness. Like Israel, we learn to live in community, reflecting His love and care. Worship Him, love others, and walk in His ways.
You Need a Jersey to Be On the Team
Pastor David Rose shows how God uses ordinary believers to share the gospel. Learn from Acts 8:26-40 how Philip led the Ethiopian to Christ through Scripture.
Exodus 18-20
Community strengthens faith. Like Moses and Israel, godly relationships lead to worship, accountability, and growth. Love God, love people, live holy.
Exodus 14-17
Faith is a battle, but God fights for His people. Trust Him, obey, and stand firm—He is our defender, leading us to victory and true worship.
Exodus 11-13
God’s presence brings peace in the storm. Like the Passover, Christ’s blood sets His people free. Trust Him, walk in faith, and share His story of salvation.
Exodus 8-10
When idols fail, only Christ remains. Like Pharaoh, resisting God brings suffering—but His power, love, and faithfulness call us to true worship and repentance.
Exodus 5-7
Pharaoh refused Israel’s request to worship Yahweh, making their work harder. But God promised not just a festival—He would grant them full freedom.