Missions Ministry

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2023 Thinking It Through Episode 4 Missionaries Featured Image Optimized

To love Jesus is to obey His commands (1 John 5:3), including His call to make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20). Perhaps the most loving thing one person can do for another is to tell them about Jesus (1 John 4:7-12), for He along can save and give the gift of eternal life (John 14:6; Acts 4:12). In the Bible, we see disciples being made in at least three ways:

Personal Missions

Acts 8 records how Philip (one of the disciples) personally shared the Gospel with an Ethiopian eunuch. Philip was led by God’s Spirit to a specific person to share the Gospel. Today, God’s Spirit is able to work the same way, leading each of us, personally, to specific people with whom we can share the Gospel.

Global Missions

Acts 13-28 record how the Gospel spread around the world. Not every person traveled to foreign lands to make disciples with the Apostle Paul, but every church was engaged in the mission of making disciples of all nations through praying, giving, and sending individuals. Trinity is blessed to partner with missionaries of the International Mission Board. In addition to key partnerships with local churches in other nations.

Local Missions

Acts 6 records how a physical need to provide food for widows arose in Jerusalem and how the Lord led the church to meet that need by assembling a team of servants. Acts 6:7 concludes, “And the word of God continued to increase, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem…” This is the goal of the local disciple-making: meeting local physical and spiritual needs, together, as teams, that more disciples will be made in the Lake Area. Trinity is blessed to partner with or lead several local disciple-making ministries that do just that.

Mission Partners

  • Missions Fair ABC Pregnancy Resource Center

    ABC Pregnancy Resource Center

    A place of compassion and care for disadvantaged moms and pregnant women

    Lake Charles
  • Missions Partners Canada Canvas Church

    Canvas Church

    A life-giving Christian church located on Victoria's Westshore in British Columbia, Canada.

  • Trinity Mission Partners Kenny Vines

    Kenny Vines, IMB Missionary

    Active in training future pastors to take the Gospel back to their towns and villages

  • Trinity Ministries Category Image Missions 2400 X 2400


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    N. Africa
  • Trinity Mission Partners Durban

    Gregg and Donna Fort

    Equipping the saved, engaging sinners, and catalyzing local churches and partners across Durban

    S. Africa
  • 2024 Missions Fair Fellowship Of Christian Athletes

    Fellowship of Christian Athletes

    An interdenominational Christian sports ministry focused on impacting the world for Christ

    Lake Charles
  • 2024 Missions Fair Baptist Collegiate Ministry

    McNeese Baptist Collegiate Ministry

    A student organization that evangelizes unbelievers while nurturing the spiritual growth of believers

    Lake Charles
  • Loving Jesus. Loving People. Sharing hope.

    Making disciples at home and abroad

    Trinity Ministries Category Image Missions 2400 X 2400