Job had said more than once that he desired a way to plead his case before God. He knew an umpire could stand between him and God to bridge the gap between the earthly and the divine. Finally, Yahweh answered Job out of the whirlwind (Job 38:1). Be careful what you ask for.
“Where were you when everything was made? Who put wisdom into the heart?” God asked Job numerous questions about Job’s role in creation, and, of course, Job had no answer. God was demonstrating that His ways and thoughts are far above Job’s. He asked, “Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct him?” (Job 40:2). Job realized how insignificant he was in comparison and had no way to reply (Job 40:4-5).
Those who walk in relationship with God should want to hear from Him through His word. Those who know Him are able to be in communication with Him through prayer. God was not trying to teach Job that he was unimportant to God or that he should not speak to Him. He was helping Job gain a deeper awe in his understanding of God so he could endure the struggle and understand its purpose.
Job replied to God, “I know that you can do anything. . . . Surely I spoke about things I did not understand” (Job 42:2-3). He repented for his doubt, and God blessed him. Praise God for speaking through creation, His word, the Spirit, and His church. Pray for growing awe of who He is and growing intimacy with Him.
Praise God for speaking through creation, His word, the Spirit, and His church. Pray for growing awe of who He is and growing intimacy with Him.