Genesis 12-15

Thoughtful and gospel-centered insights from our pastor as we journey through the Bible together, day by day.

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Ronald Reagan was the 40th President of the United States. He led as the nation grew in global influence while the Soviet Iron Curtain collapsed. In establishing and maintaining national and international relationships, he often said, “Trust, but verify.” Partnerships are built on trust, but wisdom requires that trust continually be proven.

Yahweh called Abram into a unique relationship. From all the people on earth, He called Abram to go to the place He would show him and to make him into a great nation. Yahweh promised to bless Abram, and He commanded Abram to be a blessing to those around him (12:1-3). In faith and obedient trust, Abram went west toward Canaan.

No one Abram knew had ever followed Yahweh before. There was no “track record” to demonstrate Yahweh’s faithfulness. Abram had no way to know whether Yahweh would keep His word, so when Abram faced the need to visit a foreign leader, he asked Sarai to say she was his sister rather than his wife. He felt this gave him more protection and leverage.

Yahweh had promised to bless those who blessed him and curse those who cursed him, but in the moment Abram trusted his mind more than his Master. Yahweh protected him nonetheless, and Abram grew in influence and prosperity (13:2, 14-17). Yahweh was continually gracious.

After a decisive victory in battle, Abram demonstrated his trust by giving a tithe of the spoils and then turning over the remainder to Melchizedek (14:20). Yahweh was his shield and reward (15:1), but his growth was not complete. Pray your faith and trust continually increase.

David Rose, pastor of Trinity since 2024, is passionate about discipleship and gospel growth. He loves family, ministry, and helping others mature in Christ.

David Rose


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