Athletes can let their emotions get the best of them. In the heat of the moment, they grow frustrated that the referee isn’t seeing the infractions committed against them, so they lash out against their opponent. Inevitably, the referee sees that infraction and penalizes them for it. Because they were impatient, they face the punishment they wished on others.
Abraham was learning how to walk in faith with Yahweh. He had seen Yahweh protect and provide in so many ways, but when they came to Gerar, he told Sarah once again to tell the king she was only his sister and not his wife. Abraham was concerned there was no fear of God in that place (20:11). He was more focused on the “players” than the “referee.”
Whether people believe in God’s existence or live by His standards should not affect the way the faithful live. He is Sovereign over all whether people recognize that or not. Yahweh showed Himself powerful and faithful once again. God’s favor was great and undeserved.After showing Himself faithful and fulfilling His promises to Abraham and Isaac, God tested Abraham (22:1). Good teachers always give tests to see what their students have learned, and Abraham showed he had learned remarkable faith. God asked him to place the son-of-promise on an altar. When many others would have trusted the tangible more than the intangible, Abraham had come to trust Yahweh more than life.
Praise God for being the one who protects and provides. Pray to trust Him more than circumstances.