Genesis 27-29

Thoughtful and gospel-centered insights from our pastor as we journey through the Bible together, day by day.

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Read Genesis 27-29 online

The internet has provided access for many around the world to the vast expanse of human knowledge. This access has, for some, caused FOMO—the fear of missing out. As people look at the lives of others and consider all the things they could do and have, they grow anxious about what they are missing, not experiencing, or incapable of doing.

Fear is a powerful emotion. Esau allowed his fear of hunger to override his judgment, and he gave his birthright to Jacob (see Genesis 25:27-34). As their father weakened, Jacob and his mother Rebekah allowed fear to override their judgment and to deceive Isaac so he would give his blessing to Jacob rather than Esau (27:1-40). God had promised a great future for Jacob (see Genesis 25:23), but Rebekah felt she had to manipulate the circumstances rather than trust Yahweh with the results.
When fear overrides faith, the results are rarely positive. Esau held a grudge, and Jacob and Esau separated. Rebekah had deceived her husband. Nothing good had come from the plan. The fear of missing out created more tension and fear rather than providing peace and unity.

Jacob left Canaan and went to his ancestral land to find a wife. Over the next 14 years, he worked for one wife but ended up with two. Jacob, the deceiver, found himself the victim of deception (29:13-30).
Pray for faith in Jesus that overrides the fear and anxiety of daily life. Pray for wisdom that spots potential deception and avoids its traps.

David Rose, pastor of Trinity since 2024, is passionate about discipleship and gospel growth. He loves family, ministry, and helping others mature in Christ.

David Rose


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