Job 8-10

Thoughtful and gospel-centered insights from our pastor as we journey through the Bible together, day by day.

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Modern society has created numerous “echo chambers” where people with similar viewpoints can gather to share their thoughts. Whether a cable-news channel or social media, people watch and read because they agree with the presentation. The problem is that they struggle to consider others’ viewpoints and learn where their personal stance has weaknesses.

Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar were Job’s friends, and they came to support him in his misery, but they became an “echo chamber” of ideas. What the three of them said were true ideas about God, but they refused to listen to what Job was truly saying or to consider how his thoughts were actually not in contradiction to God’s holiness. They were simply in contradiction to their preconceived notions.

Bildad had a high view of God’s sovereignty and His blessing of righteousness (8:1-22). He concluded that Job’s children died because they were sinful and Job was suffering because God was waiting on his repentance. He never considered that God might be doing something different in this situation, so Job’s pleas fell on deaf ears.

Job decided his only hope would be for someone to arbitrate for him—to stand as an umpire between him and God (9:33). His friends were not providing relief. Only a mediator could do that. Praise God for the advocacy Jesus provides in bridging the gap between heaven and earth and paying the debt for sin. Pray for His grace and mercy to characterize your life and empower you to be a comfort and counselor to others.

David Rose, pastor of Trinity since 2024, is passionate about discipleship and gospel growth. He loves family, ministry, and helping others mature in Christ.

David Rose


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