Students are not fond of pop quizzes. Those unexpected tests of knowledge are unpopular because the grade often carries so much weight and because they had no time to prepare. It reveals weakness and inability.
Satan believed Job worshiped God only because God had been so good to him. Job had a large family and vast possessions. Satan believed Job would curse God if he lost his possessions. God gave Satan permission to do what he wished to Job’s estate, but he could not harm Job himself.
Job was a man of high integrity. He feared God and avoided evil. When he learned that his possessions were gone and his children had died, he worshiped (1:20). He passed the “pop quiz.” He did not curse God. God was worthy of blessing on the good days and the bad. He was not pleased, but he knew God still deserved His devotion and praise. Later, when inflicted with bodily harm, Job remained steadfast in trusting God (2:10).
These two tests were extremely challenging. Job expressed great emotion to his friends after they all had sat together in silence and sorrow for a week. The depth of his suffering is impossible to quantify, but his words make clear he was miserable (3:1-26). Knowing God is sovereign and trusting His wisdom do not lessen suffering. They allow endurance.
Pray for godliness to bring confidence and for Christlikeness to empower hope in the storms of life. Thank God for being worthy of praise and present in times of trouble.