Charles Spurgeon said the word of God was like a caged lion. Once loosed, it can defend itself. He preached boldly because he knew the way the Spirit of God moves when the word is proclaimed.
Job’s friends were trying to help Job determine why he was suffering. Job was adamant that he had examined himself and could not determine the cause, so his friends began to remind him of the righteousness of God and the way He works. With each of Job’s responses, his friends grew more offended. One wonders whether they felt like they needed to defend God’s honor, as if God could not defend himself.
Each of Job’s friends spoke powerful truth about the righteousness and justice of God. They could not imagine why their proclamations were not leading Job to repentance. Their words weren’t effective, so they preached harder at him. They were not letting the “lion” defend itself. Their monologues are beautiful collections of truth, but they were shortsighted.
Job affirmed the truth of what they proclaimed (12:3, 13:2). God’s power and wisdom are unrivaled in all the earth. Job wished his friends would show their true wisdom by shutting their mouths (13:5). They were getting nowhere with their continual and increasing criticism of him.
Job preferred to present his case directly to God (13:3, 15). He was willing to stand before God so He could reveal Job’s shortcomings and resolve his dilemma (13:23). He declared his complete dependence on God.
Thank God for His powerful word. Share truth and let Him work.