Genesis 1-2

Thoughtful and gospel-centered insights from our pastor as we journey through the Bible together, day by day.

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The new year arrives every January 1. It is a natural outcome of the system God spoke into being. What God created was far more than a repetitive cycle without meaning. What He created He intended to be abundant and filled with purpose.

God spoke everything into being. From nothing He made all that is. His name in Genesis 1, “Elohim,” indicates He possess all power. With each day of creation, He brings into being something that will reflect His power because it will increase and multiply. What He begins in days one through three He refines and develops in days four through six.

When He created humans, He gave a special purpose. They were to be the stewards of all He made (1:26). He was the Creator and Sustainer, but they were His representatives. They, like all He created, were to be fruitful and multiply, but they, unlike anything else, had been made in His image (1:26). When humans arrived, He saw creation as very good (1:31).

Adam fulfilled his role as manager of God’s creation, but he had no way to be fruitful and multiply. When God made Eve, Adam now had a partner in the work to which God had called him and a complementary creation who would help him fulfill the command to increase. Their children would, in turn, help further fulfill God’s plan for creation.

Praise God for the purpose He gives in creation and in person. Pray for personal obedience to His call on your life.

David Rose, pastor of Trinity since 2024, is passionate about discipleship and gospel growth. He loves family, ministry, and helping others mature in Christ.

David Rose


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