Job 18-20

Thoughtful and gospel-centered insights from our pastor as we journey through the Bible together, day by day.

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During difficult days, relationships can find a deeper strength and intimacy through the trial, or they can teeter on the edge of dissolving. As one member struggles, he sometimes needs advice on how to proceed or endure. Sometimes, she just needs someone to listen. The members of the relationship need wisdom to know when to listen and when to advise.

Job had a high view of God. His lifestyle and his words had declared that for years. Now, as he suffered like never before, he continued to speak of the sovereignty of God, but he wondered what he was supposed to do and how he was to survive his misery.

His friends were frustrated. They weren’t hearing Job’s worship. They were only hearing his whining. They continued to compare Job’s situation with that of sinful people’s facing judgment. When Job told them repeatedly that he could not determine his guilt, they received that as arrogance and rebellion. Rather than closing their mouths and opening their arms, they continued to push back. They were making much of God, but they were making a mess of their relationship with Job.

Job told them they were crushing him with their words (19:2). A wise man would have realized this was not his goal. God is the One who crushes and remakes. God is the one to whom people repent and find restoration. Their words were not leading to transformation but to deeper hurt and humiliation. He was asking for their mercy (19:21), but they were more concerned with defending their feelings (20:2).

Pray for wisdom and mercy to fill your words and relationships.

David Rose, pastor of Trinity since 2024, is passionate about discipleship and gospel growth. He loves family, ministry, and helping others mature in Christ.

David Rose


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Joy To The World: Finding Joy in Hard Times

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