Genesis 16-19

Thoughtful and gospel-centered insights from our pastor as we journey through the Bible together, day by day.

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God can do anything. He created all things by speaking them into existence, so He can address any need in our lives and fulfill every promise He makes. He does not fulfill every promise immediately, however. Promises, after all, have the future in mind when someone makes them.

Abram had received a promise from Yahweh that Abram would become a great nation. When Abram was 90 years old, that promise had not come true, so Sarai offered her servant Hagar as the one who could carry Abram’s child. Hagar indeed had a son, but this was not Yahweh’s son-of-promise. That son, Isaac, would not arrive until 10 years later.

Yahweh worked in His time frame for His purposes and glory. Abram received a new name, Abraham, and his descendants received a new sign for this promise between them and Yahweh, a sign the men would carry on their bodies (17:12). Sarai received a new name, Sarah, and laughed at the thought of bearing a son at 90. Yahweh reminded them that nothing was impossible with Him (18:14). He only needs time. His people, faith.

Yahweh had chosen Abraham to begin a relationship with Him that would produce a nation who walked in faithfulness (18:18-19). Nation-building takes time. Faithfulness requires relationship and discipline.

Yahweh showed His willingness to converse about His plan with Abraham (18:16-33), and His angels showed their compassion by urging Lot and his family to leave Sodom (19:16). Those who follow Him are servants, friends, and family adopted into His Kingdom work. Trust Him.

David Rose, pastor of Trinity since 2024, is passionate about discipleship and gospel growth. He loves family, ministry, and helping others mature in Christ.

David Rose


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