Abraham had come from the east to live in Canaan because this was where Yahweh told him to reside. Over time, as Abraham grew in his faith, he learned to trust Yahweh. Now, as he faces the deepest grief of his life, he purchases a plot of land to become a burial site. He is no longer a visitor or sojourner. Abraham now owns property in Canaan.
Yahweh had blessed Abraham in countless ways. Kings had provided for him. The Hethites considered him a prince of God (23:6). They were willing to give him a place for free, but Abraham knew he needed to own this spot. He and his descendants would call this place home, and he trusted Yahweh enough to make the personal investment. Sarah’s death was heavy, yet it provided another opportunity for faith.
This place was home, but Abraham knew the people of the land were not followers of Yahweh. Anyone living there worshiped the local gods, so he sent his servant back to his homeland to find a wife for Isaac, a woman who would not be loyal to the local gods but one who would be suitable for Isaac and willing to worship Yahweh. Rebekah became his wife and the mother to Jacob and Esau.
God calls His people to live in the world but not to be like the world. The challenge, then, is to remain faithful to Christ while living with people who are not. Pray for personal loyalty and a community of believers to surround you who will strengthen your faith and effectiveness.