Jealousy is a basic human emotion. Preschoolers in the nursery grow jealous of their peers and want to have their toys or their food or their share of the attention. Jealousy develops when someone thinks another one is getting better treatment or there is risk of missing something good.
Joseph’s brothers grew jealous of him because they knew their father loved him more than others. Their jealousy deepened when Joseph told them of two dreams which indicated they would one day serve Joseph, the youngest of the family. Jealousy was common in the line of Abraham.
Why were they jealous? They did not like the idea of being his servants. They felt they were due more respect. They thought Joseph was arrogant. The possibilities are many for their jealousy, but, above all, they were jealous because they did not consider that Yahweh was at work and could not imagine the best thing would be to serve their brother. Jealousy often develops because God’s people don’t trust Him with the details.
The strange story of Judah’s family is worthy of an American soap opera. He grew skeptical of doing the right thing, and Tamar was desperate for future security. Judah admitted the whole scandal could have been avoided if he had followed the cultural standards (38:26). He should have trusted Yahweh more than his emotions.
Joseph was learning this lesson regularly. Joseph lived righteously but faced difficult consequences as a result. Yahweh was with Him, and he endured. Pray for similar faith that chooses righteousness above emotion.