Room in the Inn

Looking for a way to put your faith in action by serving those in need? Room in the Inn ministry might just be what you’re looking for.

Room in the Inn is a network of churches throughout the Lake Area that open their spaces as temporary shelters during times and seasons of inclement weather. When temperatures drop or the heat index rises, we open our doors to provide refuge for our homeless neighbors.

More than just a place to sleep, we aim to treat every guest with the dignity and respect they deserve as fellow image-bearers. Volunteers provide hot meals, hygiene supplies, and bedding. Our showers and laundry facilities allow guests to care for basic needs. Most importantly, guests experience the love of Christ through the service of our volunteers.

Whether you feel called to help cook meals, donate supplies, wash clothes, or spend the night as an overnight host, there are so many ways to participate in this life-giving ministry. You don’t need any special skills – just a compassionate heart and a couple hours of your time a few nights each month.

Room in the Inn is one way we seek to fulfill Christ’s command to care for “the least of these” (Matthew 25:40). Come join us in this hands-on display of God’s mercy.

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