Your Best Life Now

Senior Pastor David Rose unpacks the opening verses of Matthew 5. Here we see Christ call His disciples away from the crowds to teach them about kingdom character. He promises blessings on those who have no righteousness of their own, who mourn over their sin, and humbly submit to His lordship. He promises true fulfillment for those who seek His righteousness and empowers believers to reflect Christ’s character to a broken world.

Key Takeaways

  • Jesus saw people more than crowds. (v. 1-2)
  • Jesus blesses Christ-like character. (v. 3-12)
  • Jesus makes disciples influential in culture. (v. 14-16)
  • Kingdom life is marked by Christlike humility, brokenness over sin, and dependence on God.
  • True fulfillment comes from hungering for Christ, not worldly pleasures

Further Study

  • What does it mean to be “poor in spirit” and how is this related to recognizing our need for Christ’s righteousness alone (Romans 3:10-18)?
  • Take a minute to read 2 Corinthians 7:8-13. Jot down what you learn about godly sorrow and worldly sorrow.
  • In what way does true mourning over sin lead to rejoicing in the forgiveness we have in Christ (1 John 1:9)?
  • How does humility before God, expressed through submitting to Christ’s lordship, relate to the pride that keeps us from the cross (Philippians 2:5-8)?
  • What does it look like to hunger and thirst for God’s righteousness in a way that is satisfied only by Christ (John 6:35, Romans 10:4)?
  • Knowing God’s abundant mercy to us, how should this motivate us to be merciful to others (Ephesians 2:4-5)?
  • How does seeking purity of heart connect to treasuring Christ above all else (Matthew 6:33, 13:44-46)?

The Gospel

If you have questions about what it means to be a Christian, we would love to talk with you about it.

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When Jesus called the disciples away from the crowds, it was to teach them the true character of His kingdom.

Like Bro. David said in this sermon, Christ blesses those who recognize their need for Him—the “poor in spirit.” When we acknowledge our spiritual bankruptcy and come to Him in faith, we receive the complete righteousness Christ offers. He mourns with us over sin and gives us His own unfathomable comfort (Matthew 5:4).

It is by humbling ourselves under God’s mighty hand that we are exalted in Him (Matthew 5:5). And it is in hungering and thirsting after Christ that we will be filled (Matthew 5:6). All of this points to our utter dependence on God for salvation. It is only because Christ bore our sins in His body on the tree (1 Peter 2:24) that we can approach Him, lacking nothing. In Christ, we are empowered to live fully for Him (Ephesians 2:8-9) and to impact our communities.

The gospel is embodied in the work and Person of Jesus Christ—His sinless life, atoning death, and victorious resurrection for unrighteous people. He delivers us from sin’s penalty and frees us from its power so we may walk in newness of life, bringing hope to a broken world. All glory belongs to Him alone.

Our best life doesn't come when we've reached a certain status or when we have a certain amount of money. Our best life doesn't come when we've gotten that promotion or we've married that right person. Our best life happens when we are walking in fullness with Jesus, that our best life can be right now. No matter your income level, no matter your education level, no matter your skin color or your heritage or anything else, your best life happens when you're walking in fullness with Jesus. Your best life can be right now.