When Help Arrives

Senior Pastor David Rose draws from Psalms 121 and 124 to show how believers can find unshakeable hope and security in God alone, even in the midst of our darkest days. He drives home the importance of choosing God over worldly idols and recognizing His constant presence in our lives.

It’s a poignant reminder that as we turn to Christ as our hope and help, we can face any circumstance with faithful confidence, knowing that He will not fail. Until Jesus is all you have, you will not realize that Jesus is all you need.

Key Takeaways

  • God knows there are multiple gods available. (121:1)
  • God helps those who choose Him alone. (121:2-7)
  • God instills hope in those who trust Him. (121:8)
  • God stirs humility and gratitude in those who know His presence. (122:1-7)
  • God gives confidence to those who trust Him. (122:8)

Further Study

  • Psalm 121:1-2 speaks of looking to the mountains but finding help in the Lord. How does this relate to what Pastor David said about modern-day idols (money, sex, power)? How does Jesus address this in Matthew 6:19-21? Prayerfully consider the idols of your own heart.
  • In Psalm 121:3-4, God is described as never slumbering or sleeping. How does this relate to Christ’s promise in Matthew 28:20 to be with us always? What does Hebrews 7:25 tell us Christ is doing right now?
  • Psalm 121:5-6 shows God as a protector. How does this foreshadow the spiritual protection believers have in Christ (cf. John 10:27-30)?
  • Psalm 124:1-5 describes being saved from overwhelming forces. How does this parallel our salvation from sin through Christ (cf. Romans 5:6-11)?
  • The imagery of escaping like a bird from a snare in Psalm 124:7 is so powerful. How does this relate to the freedom we have in Christ (Galatians 5:1)? How might this freedom contrast with the “idols” Pastor David talked about?
  • Both Psalms emphasize God as the Maker of heaven and earth (cf. John 1:1-3; Colossians 1:15-17). How does understanding Christ as Creator impact our worship—to, as Pastor David said, turn away from idols and make Him our only God?

The Gospel

If you have questions about what it means to be a Christian, we would love to talk with you about it.

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The Gospel is the good news of Jesus Christ, which addresses the deepest need of the human heart. As Pastor David said, we often look to various “gods” or idols for our security, identity, and purpose—things like money, sex, power, or success. But these can never truly satisfy or save us.

The truth is, we are all sinners, separated from God and in need of rescue (Romans 3:23). Our sin has created a chasm between us and our Creator that we cannot bridge on our own. But God, in His infinite love and mercy, provided a way for us to be reconciled to Him.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, lived the perfect life that we could not live, fulfilling all of God’s righteous requirements. Then, out of love for us, He willingly died on the cross, taking upon Himself the punishment that we deserved for our sins (1 Peter 2:24).

The heart of the Gospel is that “Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, and that He was raised from the dead” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). His resurrection proves His victory over sin and death, offering us the hope of eternal life.

This salvation is not something we can earn through our own efforts or good works. We simply need to turn from our sin (repent) and put our trust (faith) in Jesus Christ and what He has done for us.

Christ brings hope and new life to souls devastated by sin. In Him, we find forgiveness, purpose, and a relationship with God that begins now and lasts for eternity. This is the Gospel—the good news that changes everything.

Until Jesus is all you have, you will not realize that Jesus is all you need.