Unnecessary Roughness

Are you facing unnecessary worry, anxiety, or difficulty in your life? Do you feel like you've drifted from God's will and now face the consequences?

Senior Pastor David Rose shows from Scripture how disappointment and fear of judgment often stem from letting other priorities replace our worship of Jesus Christ alone. But the good news of the Gospel remains: “if we are faithless, He remains faithful” (2 Timothy 2:13). When we turn back to Him in repentance and faith, Christ’s perfection is credited to us through His own person and work (1 John 1:9). Find hope for your current struggles and direction for obedience as you listen.


  • God is the priority.
  • Everyone serves obediently in humility and discipline.
  • Growth and worship are personal and corporate.
  • God gives courage in opportunities that test unity and maturity.
  • God gives grace to the repentant and hope to the faithful.
  • God gives restoration and refreshment to body and soul.


God works continually. (22:1-21; 22:36-24:25)

  • He is moving even when His people are not.
  • He wages spiritual battle for His people.
  • His word will not fail.

God declares His truth to all who listen. (22:22-35)

  • He speaks through creation and His word.
  • He knows the hearts of His people.

God allows foolish, harmful choices. (25)

  • Culture will creep before it runs.
  • Community accountability is necessary.

Key Takeaways

  • You can't stop Him. Know His word.
  • You can't fool Him. Examine your heart.
  • You can't betray Him. Worship Him alone.
  • The search for satisfaction ends only in Jesus.

Further Study

  1. In Philippians 2:5-11, we are encouraged to adopt the same attitude as Christ Jesus. How can we apply this call to humility and obedience in our daily lives, especially in the context of worship and service within our church?
  2. David discussed the importance of using our gifts within our church community. What are some ways you can actively serve and grow here at Trinity, and how does this reflect the obedience and discipline we see called for in Scripture? If you’re not sure of your gifts or would like to know where you fit, we would love to talk with you about it! Reach out to one of our ministers, or visit our Serve page for current opportunities.
  3. David highlighted the spiritual warfare in the story of Balaam and Balak in Numbers 22. What role does prayer and knowledge of God’s word play in this battle?

The Gospel

If you have questions about what it means to be a Christian, we would love to talk with you about it.

Reach out