There’s Something In the Heir
What happens when God adopts you into His family? In this final message of our Advent series, Pastor David Rose explores what it means to become an heir in God’s family through Christ. Drawing from Galatians 4:4-7, he unpacks three important truths: how God transforms us immediately at salvation, how He prepares us for an eternal inheritance that far outweighs any earthly reward, and how this new identity encourages us in our daily walk. It’s a powerful reminder that understanding our position as heirs of God should fundamentally change how we view both our present circumstances and future hope.
Key Takeaways
- God sent Jesus to transform us immediately.
- God sent Jesus to prepare us for eternity.
- God sent Jesus to encourage you in the daily.
- God gives us help through His Son’s mission. We live with hope.
- God sent us a hero for our liberation. We live with joy.
- God has given His people a home through adoption. We live in love.
- God has given His people a Helper by their conversion. We live in peace.
- God has promised His people an inheritance. We live in anticipation.
The Gospel
If you have questions about what it means to be a Christian, we would love to talk with you about it.
Reach outThe heart of the Gospel is that we are all slaves – not just to a system of rules we can’t keep, but to sin itself. As Pastor David said, we’re “dead in our sin and unable to fulfill all the obligations of the law.” We can’t free ourselves, and like the Galatians trying to earn their way through rule-keeping, our best efforts at being “good enough” always fall short.
But “when the time came to completion, God sent his Son” (Gal. 4:4). Jesus, born of a woman, lived the perfect life we couldn’t live. Christ died on the cross to pay the debt we owed but couldn’t pay, taking God’s righteous wrath against our sin upon Himself.
The good news is that this gift of salvation, while available to all, must be personally received. When we recognize our need for Christ and trust in His finished work on the cross, we are immediately transformed. We move from being slaves to becoming sons and daughters of God – adopted into His family with full rights as heirs. This isn’t about trying harder or becoming better; it’s about being rescued and transformed by what Jesus has already done.
The Gospel means we’re no longer trying to earn God’s favor but living in response to it. It transforms everything about how we live, giving us a new identity, purpose, and eternal hope that far outweighs anything that this world can offer.
If you’ve never experienced this transformation, you can receive Christ today by:
- Acknowledging your need for rescue from sin
- Believing that Jesus died and rose again to save you
- Confessing Him as your Lord and Savior
- Trusting in His finished work rather than your own efforts
He offers you not just forgiveness, but a new identity as God’s child and an eternal inheritance that makes any earthly reward pale in comparison.