How’s Your Walk?
Senior Pastor David Rose explores John 15:1-17 and what it means to truly abide in Christ. He unpacks Christ’s metaphor of the vine and branches, showing how our relationship with Christ shapes everything about who we are and what we do.
Through Scripture, we see that Jesus doesn’t want casual followers—He desires branches that stay connected, bearing fruit that glorifies the Father. Pastor David challenges us to cultivate a daily walk with Jesus, build deeper relationships within the church, and pray for those who don’t know Him.
Watch or listen in to find practical insights into how abiding in Christ answers life’s deepest questions of identity, belonging, and purpose.
Key Takeaways
- Jesus shares His identity and activity.
- Jesus shares our identity and activity.
- Jesus says abiding answers three big questions.
The Gospel
If you have questions about what it means to be a Christian, we would love to talk with you about it.
Reach outThe heart of Christianity isn’t about trying harder or being a better person – it’s about a relationship with Jesus Christ. Just as a branch can’t produce fruit by itself, we are completely unable to save ourselves or live the life God intends apart from Christ (John 15:5).
The Bible tells us we all start as dead branches, separated from God by our sin (Romans 3:23). We try to find life, purpose, and identity in other things, but as Jesus made clear in this passage, He is the “true vine” – the only source of real life. Our attempts at goodness are like those “sucker” branches Pastor David talked about, the ones that look promising but produce no real fruit.
But here’s the amazing news: God the Father, the divine Gardener, sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross, taking the punishment our sin deserved (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). Through His death and resurrection, Jesus made a way for us to be “grafted in” to God’s family. When we trust in Christ’s finished work rather than our own efforts, we are connected to the True Vine. This isn’t just about religious activity – it’s about being made new through a relationship with Jesus.
When we surrender to Christ, acknowledging our need for Him and trusting in His death and resurrection for our salvation, we receive new life. We become branches connected to the Vine, and His life flows through us, producing the fruit that only He can create.
This isn’t a call to try harder but an invitation to trust fully in Jesus and allow Him to live through you. Today, you can stop trying to produce fruit on your own and instead be connected to the True Vine.
Will you trust Christ today? Will you stop trying to live the Christian life in your own strength and instead allow yourself to be connected to the True Vine?
Remember: Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. It’s not about what we do for God, but about what Christ has already done for us.