Thinking it Through with Dr. David

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Show Notes

In this episode of Thinking it Through, JD sat down with Dr. David to talk about faith, ministry, and his move to Lake Charles. They also tackle a tough listener question: how to continue when you feel like you’ve lost your faith.

Questions in This Episode

  • What life was like after Jesus?
  • What were your plans if you hadn't been a pastor?
  • How does God speak to you?
  • What book of the Bible has been the most influential over your life?
  • Can you talk about a tough season in your life and how the Lord brought you through that?
  • What are you most excited about being here in Lake Charles?
  • What's one thing you miss from Texas?
  • What are some of your hobbies?
  • What can we find you doing on a Saturday with the day off?
  • How does a person believe again when they used to have great faith but now question everything after tragedy strikes?