Behind the Scenes with Student Ministry Interns Maddi and Brady

Hosted by

  • 0:00 - 3:53


  • 3:55 - 9:01

    Expectations vs. Reality

  • 9:04 - 13:07

    Impact and Future Benefits

Show Notes

Student Minister Caleb Adams sits down with our student ministry interns, Brady Burguieres and Maddi Bearden. They discuss daily life of a student ministry intern, the joys and challenges of connecting with students, and share behind-the-scenes glimpses of life as student ministry interns.

Questions in This Episode

  • What keeps you busy as an intern?
  • What's been your favorite part of being an intern so far?
  • Can you share an example of something that goes on behind the scenes?
  • What do you enjoy the most during your internship so far?
  • What were some expectations y'all have had before the internship?
  • What has surprised you?
  • How do you see the internship helping you moving forward in the future for however much longer you're going to be doing it?
  • How do you see the internship setting you up for life?
  • So for any future interns, any interns to be, which I've heard several students express interest of, what would you tell them to begin to prepare themselves or to look forward to?
  • What would you tell the future Brady and Maddie out there?
  • Any final thoughts that y'all have about being an intern, the joys being an intern?
  • What’s been the most challenging part of your internship?