As a new school year gets underway, it’s important that we lift our children up in prayer.
When all of the challenges and opportunities seem overwhelming, prayer reminds us that God is sovereign over every aspect of our kids’ lives. Through prayer, we can entrust the coming months to His faithful hands and ask for His guidance in strengthening their faith.
1. Trust
It’s so easy to let fear overwhelm us. Pray that we entrust the coming school year to God’s faithful hands. Ask that both we and our kids find comfort in knowing that He is sovereign over every aspect of their lives. Pray specifically for a Christ-centered perspective—one that rightly remembers the incredible faithfulness of our God.
2. Discernment
Pray that God guides our children’s steps as they navigate the challenges of the new school year. Pray that He brings to mind truths they have learned at home and church (Proverbs 6:20-22; 2 Peter 3:1-2; Hebrews 13:7). Pray that they apply wisdom and discernment to their studies, decisions, and social interactions. (Romans 12:2; Philippians 1:9; James 1:5, 3:17).
3. Spiritual growth
Pray that this school year will be a time of spiritual growth for us and our children. Pray that we grow in our understanding of God’s word and our relationship with Him (Colossians 1:9-12).
4. Godly friends
Pray for godly friendships and relationships. Pray that He surrounds them with friends, teachers, and peers who encourage their faith (Ecclesiastes 4:12).
5. Strength
Pray that God would strengthen their faith as our children face trials and challenges (2 Thessalonians 3:3). Pray that they would see difficulties as opportunities to lean on Christ and grow in their relationship with Him (James 1:2-3). Ask Him to strengthen them to stand firm in the truth of His Word (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17).
6. Teachers and administrators
Pray for teachers, administrators, and coaches. Pray that Christians would grow in faith, grace, and knowledge of His word in the coming year (2 Peter 1:2-3, 3:17-18). Pray that unbelieving teachers, administrators, and coaches would see their need and come to Christ.
7. Humility and love
Pray that our kids (and we!) have a teachable spirit in the coming year. Ask God to help us approach studies and personal interactions with a spirit of humility, showing Christ’s love to others. Pray that God helps us to see opportunities to bless and encourage others in their school community. Ask for grace and boldness to lovingly evangelize.
Father, we thank You for the promise that You will never leave or forsake those who seek You. We pray that this school year will be filled with opportunities for growth – both academically and spiritually. Most of all, we pray that our children will draw closer to You and learn to rely on You more each day. May their lives glorify You as they faithfully live out their faith. We ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.