Join us for “Summer with Spurgeon,”- a weekly Thursday morning gathering designed to encourage faith throughout the summer months. We meet in the Parlor (please enter on the West side).
Who Was Charles Haddon Spurgeon?
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, known as the “Prince of Preachers,” began his ministry as a teenager. His life pivoted at 15 when, caught in a snowstorm, he found refuge in a small chapel. There, a preacher’s simple yet powerful message to “look to Jesus Christ” transformed Spurgeon’s life. Within the same year, Spurgeon preached his first sermon and stepped into a calling that would see him become one of the most influential preachers of his time.
Spurgeon was a man of immense dedication and influence, known for his keen theological insights and his ability to connect with large audiences—often preaching to thousands without the aid of modern amplification. His sermons, rich in doctrine and steeped in historical theology, were published worldwide, reaching millions and solidifying his legacy.
At the heart of Spurgeon’s preaching was the cross of Christ. He viewed the crucifixion as the centerpiece of Christian faith, believing that it held the power to transform lives and draw people to salvation. His ministry was marked by a deep expectation of spiritual rebirth, always anticipating the transformative work of the gospel in the hearts of his listeners.
Despite his public success, Spurgeon faced personal struggles, including severe bouts of depression. Yet, even as he struggled, God faithfully used these trials to deepen his compassion as a pastor. His life became a testament to hope and joy in the midst suffering.
Spurgeon also had a lighter side, known for his sharp wit and humor, which often caught people off guard. He found joy in simple pleasures, whether it was enjoying long walks or listening to thunder as he marveled at God’s creation.
Whether you’re familiar with his work or new to his legacy, “Summer with Spurgeon” is a chance to grow in faith and fellowship with other men.
- Parlor
- Not Available
- David Rose
"You are no saint,” says the devil. Well, if I am not, I am a sinner, and Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. Sink or swim, I go to Him; other hope I have none.
C. H. Spurgeon’s Autobiography, Compiled from his Diary, Letters, and Records, by his Wife and his Private Secretary: Volume 1, 1834–1854